Another Hideaway for pics and commentary
My son in law, reported injured somewhere in Iraq. My youngest son called tonight, he's visiting my daughter who recv'd the news today. I want him home, safe and out of this stupid conflict, home with my daughter, his wife, and their children....
Brian I'm thinking of you, get well
Posted by
9:34 PM
I'm praying, thinking of you Brian,Jen,Raine and Haven,
Love Auntie Anne
Good News Brian had surgery and is on his way to Germany and then hopefuly home....his arm was injured after an (IED) Improvised Explosive Device (booby trap) exploded while he was driving a HumV.
Get well,Come Home
What a relief that Brian is on his way out of Iraq! Our thoughts and prayers are with him for a speedy recovery and being home with Jen, Raine & Haven the sooner the better!
Hugs to you all,
Love Auntie Rita & Uncle Joe!
Every time I think of Brian -- which is every hour of the day -- I pray he has a speedy recovery and is back home with his family soon.
Mum and I are keeping them in prayer. Hope he has a speedy recovery. Thank God he's out of Iraq and back in the states!
~Lisa (& Joan)
Get better buddy.
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